Understanding the Role of a Veterinary Internist Specialist
If you’re a pet owner in the Northern California Bay Area and Larkspur, it is important to know about the various specialists who can provide your pet with specialized care. One type of specialist that you may come across is a veterinary internist, also known as an internal medicine specialist. This type of veterinary professional provides advanced diagnosis and treatment for illnesses or conditions that affect your pet’s inner organs.

What Is an Internal Medicine Specialist?
A veterinary internist specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders that affect the internal organs of pets. As they are knowledgeable about many different species, they can provide care to cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, rabbits, horses, and other small animals. This specialist may also be referred to as an animal internist or internal medicine veterinarian.

What Conditions Does a Veterinary Internist Treat?
Generally speaking, a veterinary internist will treat diseases or conditions related to your pet’s cardiovascular system (heart), gastrointestinal system (stomach and intestines), respiratory system (lungs), urinary tract (kidneys), endocrine system (hormones) or reproductive system (reproduction). The internist may also diagnose cancer-related illnesses or other chronic illnesses such as liver disease. They are highly skilled at carrying out complex diagnostic tests such as ultrasounds which enables them to pinpoint the source of your pet’s illness more accurately than general veterinarians who may not have access to these sophisticated tests.

How Do I Know If My Pet Needs To See A Veterinary Internist?
In most cases it will be your primary veterinarian who will refer you to an internal medicine specialist if they suspect that your pet is suffering from an illness related to any of their major systems listed above. Your primary vet knows when more specialized care is needed in order for your pet to receive proper treatment for their condition or illness. In some cases there are certain signs that could indicate that further testing by an internist is needed such as difficulty breathing; vomiting; diarrhea; weight loss; discolored urine; frequent urination; unexplained lumps on skin; lack of appetite etc… It’s important not take any chances when it comes to your pet’s health so if you notice any changes in their behavior then make sure you visit either their primary vet or Golden Gate Veterinary Specialists right away for further assessment and treatment if necessary.

When it comes to caring for our beloved pets it pays off to be informed about all the professionals who specialize in providing advanced medical care should our pets become ill at some point in their life. A veterinary internists specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases related specifically to the inner organs so if ever such services are required then speaking with Golden Gate Veterinary Specialists would be recommended so that proper diagnosis and treatment can begin right away leading towards a full recovery!